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IT Services & Network Admin/Support For Schools

EPC IT Solutions specializes in looking after the IT systems for many schools throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. We can help your school network.

Can EPC IT Solutions help My Staff and Students With Their Technology Challenges?

You spend your time investing in the minds that will shape our next generation. With the days of the Dewey Decimal system and card catalogs long in the past, schools must keep pace with technology to equip their students for today’s work environment.

Will My School Benefit from Outsourcing Our IT Support?

The main focus of your job needs to be educating children – not dealing with IT challenges. With this in mind, we take the work and stress out of your operational technology for you, leaving you free to invest your time where it truly counts.

We’ll make sure you have the benefits of a secure, optimized IT environment.

  • Secure WIFI for students, staff, and visitors
  • Automation of manual office processes for efficiency
  • Always updated and patched systems
  • Network security and internet filtering
  • Internet use monitoring of employees and students
  • Integration of physical security with your IT infrastructure
  • WIFI configured to allow separate services for staff and students
  • Email setup and security
  • Fast answers to helpdesk questions and troubleshooting requests

What is Managed IT Services?

Managed IT Services is an affordable alternative to employing an on-site technology specialist.

EPC IT Solutions provides you with comprehensive IT care which includes proactive management, monitoring, and maintenance available at budget-friendly pricing. For a simple and predictable monthly payment, you gain access to a team of IT specialists who are dedicated to complete, continuous care of your on-site and cloud assets.

How Much Do Managed IT Services Cost Private Schools?

If you’re like most school administrators, the cost of outsourced IT support is of serious concern to you. In fact, you may have dismissed the entire idea as an unaffordable luxury.

EPC IT Solutions offers you comprehensive IT care at affordable, flat-rate monthly pricing. All of the IT support you need is available to you within this subscription service model.

Your monthly cost is based on the following variables:

  • Your school’s specific needs
  • The size of your IT environment
  • The complexity of your network

Services for your company

Managed IT Services

Continuous, comprehensive, and proactive IT management, maintenance, security, and operational monitoring.

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