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We’ve Got A Brand New Look!

After months of designing and planning, EPC is beyond excited to finally have launched our brand new website, and to have debuted our brand new logo! It’s amazing the difference a few upgrades can make.

As you might have noticed over the last few weeks, EPC is sporting a bolder and more stylish logo, which we feel is a much better representation of who we’ve grown to be as a company! But it's not just our logo that’s changed. We've upgraded our website, our office, our employee perks and workspaces, our social media, our incentive plans, our messaging, and our focus to better reflect the way we help our clients and team members succeed. We’ve been busy!

Our goal with this redesign was to make our site even more user-friendly, ensuring the information you're searching for is only a click away. You can easily browse our services, learn more about our philosophy, and even catch up on the latest tech news in our Blog section. Thanks to our sleek new layout, you can find all of this right on our homepage, as well as in the simple menu and sub-menus. Interact with us quickly by accessing links to our social media platforms and the client portal, or if you just have a question. We’re happy to offer as many ways for you to contact us as we can, regardless of whether you’re a client or just want to learn a little more about who we are and what we do.

One thing that has not and will not change, however, is our promise to bring Excellence, Professionalism, and Commitment to every project, every service call, and every interaction our team has with yours. You’ve come to expect a certain level of service and expertise from us, and we have every intention of continuing to exceed that expectation.

Over the past 17 years it’s begun to feel like we do a little bit of almost everything. That said, we’ve seen a few trends surface, and began to recognize we are particularly fantastic in a few different areas of IT Services. These areas are what we’re calling our “pillars”, and what is ultimately the driving force behind the services we provide. What are these pillars?

• Managed IT Services
• Help Desk Services
• Strategic IT Consulting and Project Management
• Cloud and Cybersecurity Solutions
• Business Continuity

While technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, we know from many years of hands-on experience that there are certain aspects of IT support that will always remain vital services. These are more than just our pillars – they’re the puzzle pieces that come together to form the core of your IT infrastructure. Without them, there is nothing to anchor the added solutions that make up your unique technology needs.

All this is to say that we’re pretty thrilled with our new logo and new website and what they represent for the direction our company is taking. Take a few minutes to check out the changes we’ve made – we hope you love the upgrades as much as we do!

Services for your company

Managed IT Services

Continuous, comprehensive, and proactive IT management, maintenance, security, and operational monitoring.

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